Python on the web - newby question
simon.palmer at
Wed Sep 3 17:59:44 EDT 2008
On Sep 3, 8:41 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
<bdesth.quelquech... at> wrote:
> SimonPalmer a écrit :
> > Apologies in advance if this is either a) the wrong board or b) been
> > answered a million times elsewhere, but...
> > I have been given an assignment to get a python module up and running
> > behind an existing web site. At the moment the rest of the site is
> > developed in PHP but the hosts have said they will provide python
> > support for free, although they haven't given any more details than
> > that, so I'm not sure exactly what that means.
> Depending on the hosts, this can range from having an antiquated python
> version with only cgi enabled and no way to install anything to the very
> last stable release and (almost) whatever third-part lib / frameworks
> and correct configuration.
> > All reasonably
> > encouraging though.
> > I'm a newbie to python but quite experienced with Java/J2EE/JBoss.
> Quite another world...
> > What I need to know is how I get python running on the server
> For which definition of 'server' ? The computer, or the web server process ?
> > and what
> > tools/middleware I would need to have installed on the host's machines
> > to be able to support my python modules.
> Depends on your modules dependencies !-)
> More seriously : Python is known has being the language with more web
> frameworks than keywords. IOW, there's no simple straightforward answer
> to your question. Fisrt choose which Python web development solution you
> intend to use, then read the FineManual's "deployment" section of the
> chosen solution.
> You'll find pointers to most web-related libs / frameworks here:
> Given your situation (Python newcomer with a real job to do), and if
> your job is anything more than a very Q&D deadsimple task, I'd
> personnaly recommand Django ( Don't let the
> version number fools you (latest version is 1.0 release candidate),
> Django is a mature, solid and proven solution that have years of
> existance, and what they call 1.0rc would be labeled at least 3.5 for
> some other software... It's also mostly documented, and there's a strong
> community around the framework, so you should not have much problem
> getting help.
> For any other Python question (I mean, non django-related), you're at
> the right place.
> Oh, and yes, if I may suggest a reading:
> HTH, and welcome on board...
Hey, thanks very much this is really helpful. What I really need is
pointers, I'm sure I can figure the rest out. I am indeed a guy with
a real job to do. Doesn't help that the client and host are on the
other side of the world.
I quite like python. As a veteran coder who has tried a lot of
languages this has been a pleasant experience so far. I *really* like
numpy and scipy. My stock in trade is algorithms and they are quite a
revelation. I wish I had known about them sooner and I think they
will keep me coming back to python regularly.
Thanks again.
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