conditional install/distribution

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Mon Sep 15 17:59:12 EDT 2008

i3dmaster schrieb:
> On Sep 11, 11:07 am, "Diez B. Roggisch" <de... at> wrote:
>> i3dmasterschrieb:
>>> Is there a feature in distutils or easy_install to specify what
>>> version of python that the target package can be installed? For
>>> example, if a package has a module that only needed if the python
>>> version < 2.6, is there a way to specifiy that in or
>>> easy_install cfg file so that when installing to python >= 2.6, this
>>> module wouldn't be installed??
>> you can simply import sys and check sys.version in the setup-script, and
>> abort with an error-message if the expectations aren't matched.
>> Diez
> I know I can precheck the version, but the real issue is how I can
> prevent from installing a specific module? Actually, the rest of the
> package should still be installed but just not a particular module
> because the feature is built in after 2.6.

How about simply not importing the module in question if the version is 
not proper? Or even a

    import a_module_requiring_2_6
except (SyntaxError, ImportError):


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