writing dll in python?
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Sep 29 13:55:10 EDT 2008
nishalrs wrote:
> Hello All,
> My main motivation is to build a collection of useful mathematical
> models (that I have developed over the years) to design ultrasonic
> sensors. This should be some sort of a library that should be able to
> be used for desktop/web application development, to run in variety of
> operating systems.
Interesting new applications of Python are welcome. Googling "Python
package (or module) ultrasonic sensor" did not turn up anything relevant
that I saw.
> I am more than convinced after looking at python.org website, it is
> the right tool for the job. I intend to learn python, but I am not
> really sure, where to begin.
Start with the Python tutorial, perhaps parts of the reference manual,
and definitely peruse the first chapters in the library manual on
built-in functions and classes.
You will almost certainly want to use numpy (numpy.org) for numerical
calculation and possibly existing modules in scipy (scipy.org) or elsewhere.
> Should I write all the functions as simple python scripts? Or is there
> some facility for creating a .dll like library, that could be more
> suitable for what in intend to develop?
A module is a 'script' that is intended to be imported by other Python
code. In your Python installation directory, /Libs has numerous *.py
examples. A 'package' is a collection of modules in a directory that
includes only called __init__.py (if I remember correctly). Don't worry
about details yet. When you have something worth distributing, you can
get help here or on other lists, such as the one for numpy/scipy.
When you are ready, you can announce it here and elsewhere and register
it at the Python Package Index (pypi.python.org/pypi).
Terry Jan Reedy
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