xml.dom.minidom getElementsByTagName white space issue

Leonardo lozanne leolozanne at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 7 16:22:48 EDT 2009

I'm getting some XML tags with white spaces from a web service and when I try to get them with the getElements ByTagName I'm not able to do so. I'm getting an empty list. What I'm doing is:
#XML_response is an xml string
xml_msg = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(XML_response)
nodes = xml_msg.getElementsByTagName("tag ten")  #tag name is "tag ten" with a whitespace
It all works fine with tags like tag_seven but NOT for tag names with a white space. I've tried some escape chars but it doesnt seems to work. 
Does anybody has the escape char sequence I should be using or a work around for this? Thanks in advanced for your replies. 

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