Weird lambda behavior

Rüdiger Ranft _rdi_ at
Wed Apr 22 07:50:30 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I want to generate some methods in a class using setattr and lambda.
Within each generated function a name parameter to the function is
replaced by a string constant, to keep trail which function was called.
The problem I have is, that the substituted name parameter is not
replaced by the correct name of the function, but by the last name the
for loop has seen.

import unittest

class WidgetDummy:
    '''This class records all calls to methods to an outer list'''

    def __init__( self, name, calls ):
        '''name is the name of the object, which gets included into a
        call record. calls is the list where the calls are appended.''' = name
        self.calls = calls
        for fn in ( 'Clear', 'Append', 'foobar' ):
            func = lambda *y,**z: self.__callFn__( fn, y, z )
            setattr( self, fn, func )

    def __callFn__( self, fnName, *args ):
        '''Add the function call to the call list'''
        self.calls.append( (, fnName, args ) )

class Testcase( unittest.TestCase ):
    def testFoo( self ):
        calls = []
        wd = WidgetDummy( 'foo', calls )
        wd.Append( 23 )
        self.assertEqual( [ ( 'foo', 'Append', ( 23, {} ) ) ], calls )


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