lucaberto at libero.it
Wed Apr 29 02:49:10 EDT 2009
hello i have this api
PREF0 short usb_tc08_get_single (
short handle,
float * temp,
short * overflow_flags,
short units);
this is a sample program made in c
int main(void)
short handle = 0; /* The handle to a TC-08 returned by
usb_tc08_open_unit() */
char selection = 0; /* User selection from teh main menu */
float temp[9]; /* Buffer to store temperature readings from
the TC-08 */
int channel, reading; /* Loop counters */
int retVal = 0; /* Return value from driver calls indication
success / error */
USBTC08_INFO unitInfo;/* Struct to hold unit information */
usb_tc08_get_single(handle, temp, NULL, USBTC08_UNITS_CENTIGRADE);
handle is c_short, but how a can define temp and the other two value?
myist.usb_tc08_get_single.argtypes = [ctypes.c_short, ctypes.c_float,
ctypes.c_short, ctypes.c_short] ----------is correct?
myist.usb_tc08_get_single.argtypes.restype = c_short ------- is
but whe i call myist.usb_tc08_get_single(0,
i get argument 2 wrong type
can you explain how to execute this function
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