Introducing Python to others
Sells, Fred
fred.sells at
Thu Apr 2 13:07:11 EDT 2009
When doing the same thing, I like....
Using a dictionary to return a function or a class definition based on a
msg id and let that returned value "handle" the message that contained
the id. Something like
Class XYZ:
MyHandlers = {42:XYZ, ...
Message = read_from_somewhere_else()
HandlerDefn = MyHandlers[]
Handler = HandlerDefn(Message)
As opposed to a switch statement in other languages.
I get my fellow codes to install Eclipse+PyDev as I find it easier to
comprehend that IDLE. It's nice to just hit F9; although ^c^c is cool
for emacs folks.
I prefer turbogears over Django because it is simpler (and thus less
robust) but it sure is cool to edit your server side code, save it and
watch the server reload it automatically. Of couse I hate HTML and use
Flex for the client side and turbogears JSON or my own XML converter
make Flex a joy.
Good luck
> -----Original Message-----
> From: at
> [ at] On
> Behalf Of Paddy O'Loughlin
> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 5:36 AM
> To: python-list at
> Subject: Introducing Python to others
> Hi,
> As our resident python advocate, I've been asked by my team leader to
> give a bit of a presentation as an introduction to python to the rest
> of our department.
> It'll be less than an hour, with time for taking questions at the end.
> There's not going to be a whole lot of structure to it. First, I'm
> going to open up a python terminal and show them how the interpreter
> works and a few basic syntax things and then a file .py files (got to
> show them that python's indenting structure is not something to be
> afraid of :P). I think I'll mostly show things in the order that they
> appear in the python tutorial (
> My question to you, dear python-list, is what suggestions do you have
> for aspects of python that I should show them to make them maybe think
> that python is better than what they are using at the moment.
> All of the audience will be experienced (4+ years) programmers, almost
> all of them are PHP developers (2 others, plus myself, work in C, know
> C#, perl, java, etc.).
> Because of this, I was thinking of making sure I included exceptions
> and handling, the richness of the python library and a pointing out
> how many modules there were out there to do almost anything one could
> think of.
> Anything else you think could make PHP developers starting think that
> python is a better choice?
> If I were to do a (very) short demonstration one web framework for the
> PHP devs, what should I use? CherryPy (seems to be the easiest),
> Django (seems to be the "biggest"/most used), or something else?
> Any other suggestions for a possible "wow" reaction from an audience
> that?
> Thanks,
> Paddy
> --
> "Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!"
> --
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