Please help with problem creating class
google at
Sat Apr 18 15:34:10 EDT 2009
auzarski2008 at wrote:
> Hi I have been working on a homework assignment that I am having a lot
> of trouble with. I am so frustrated because every time I think I am
> getting close to figuring it out there is another problem. If you
> could look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong I would very much
> appreciate it....
> import string
> from datetime import date
> class Leaderapplicant:
> def __init__(self, line):
> #convert the lines of data into fields and removes
> \n
> line = line.rstrip("\n")
> appname, leadername, start, end = line.split("\t")
> self.appname = appname
> self.leadername = leadername
> yyyy, mm, dd = start.split(",") #splits the string
> into dates
> b = int(yyyy)
> c = int(mm)
> d = int(dd)
> self.start = date(b,c,d)
> yyyy, mm, dd = end.split(",")
> b = int(yyyy)
> c = int(mm)
> d = int(dd)
> self.end = date(b, c, d)
> def getAppname(self):
> return self.appname
> def getLeadername(self):
> return self.leadername
> def getStart(self):
> return self.start
> def getEnd(self):
> return self.end
> def getSomething(self):
> # infoStr is a tab separated line: name leadername startdate
> enddate
> return self.appname + "\t" + self.leadername + "\t" +
> self.start + "\t" + self.end
> #import Leader Applicant
> def get_files():
> infile = raw_input("What file is the data in? ")
> outfile = raw_input("What file would you like the data to go
> in? ")
> return infile, outfile
> def main():
> #recall get_files function
> files = get_files()
> #open files
> infile = open(files[0], 'r')
> outfile = open(files[1], 'w')
> reportstart = raw_input("Please enter the date (yyyy, mm, dd)
> the reporting period started: ")
> yyyy, mm, dd = string.split(reportstart, ",")
> yyyy = int(yyyy)
> mm = int(mm)
> dd = int(dd)
> reportstartdate= date(yyyy, mm, dd)
> reportend = raw_input("Please enter the date (yyyy, mm, dd)
> the reporting period ended: ")
> yyyy, mm, dd = string.split(reportend, ",")
> yyyy = int(yyyy)
> mm = int(mm)
> dd = int(dd)
> reportenddate = date(yyyy, mm, dd)
> for line in infile:
> a = Leaderapplicant(line) #from data file
> if a.getEnd() >= reportstartdate and a.getEnd() <=
> reportenddate:
> outfile.write(a.getAppname())
> outfile.write
> ("\n")
> #close files
> infile.close()
> outfile.close()
> #print "The list has been written to", files[1]
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> main()
> I am using tab separated data in another file that looks like this...
> appname1 leadername1 2005, 02, 02 2006, 02, 02
> appname2 leadername2 2006, 03, 21 2007, 06, 28
> etc...
> The error message looks like this....
> back (most recent call last):
> File "/home/amy/Documents/LIS452/assignment 3/", line
> 97, in <module>
> main()
> File "/home/amy/Documents/LIS452/assignment 3/", line
> 80, in main
> a = Leaderapplicant(line) #from data file
> File "/home/amy/Documents/LIS452/assignment 3/", line 9,
> in __init__
> appname, leadername, start, end = line.split("\t")
> ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have spent so much time on
> this that I am behind not only in this class but in other classes as
> well.
Print out the value of 'line' using repr(). Is it what you expected?
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