not homework... something i find an interesting problem
google at
Tue Apr 21 12:51:27 EDT 2009
Trip Technician wrote:
> On 21 Apr, 14:46, MRAB <goo... at> wrote:
>> Trip Technician wrote:
>>> Thank you Dave. This does it but slowly. takes every subset of the
>>> list a ofsquares, and then gets a 'partition' that will work, many
>>> are very inefficient (with lots of 1s).
>>> any hints about how to speed up ?
>>> def subset(x):
>>> for z in range(1,2**len(x)):
>>> q=bin(z)
>>> subs=[]
>>> for dig in range(len(q)):
>>> if q[dig]=='1':
>>> subs.append(x[dig])
>>> yield subs
>>> def bin(x):
>>> q=""
>>> while x>=1:
>>> q+=str(x%2)
>>> x//=2
>>> return q
>>> def squ(z,b):
>>> if z==0:
>>> return 0
>>> for x in b:
>>> if z>=x:
>>> return x,squ(z-x,b)
>>> def flatten(lst):
>>> for elem in lst:
>>> if type(elem) in (tuple, list):
>>> for i in flatten(elem):
>>> yield i
>>> else:
>>> yield elem
>>> sizelim=150
>>> a=[x**2 for x in range(int(sizelim**0.5),1,-1)]
>>> q,r=[],[]
>>> for aa in range(sizelim):
>>> r.append([])
>>> for xx in range(1,sizelim):
>>> for z in subset(a):
>>> q=[]
>>> z.append(1)
>>> for rr in flatten(squ(xx,z)):
>>> if rr !=0:
>>> q.append(rr)
>>> item=[len(q),q]
>>> if item not in r[xx]:
>>> r[xx].append(item)
>>> r[xx].sort()
>>> for eee in r:
>>> if eee:
>>> print r.index(eee),eee[0:3]
>> Even this code doesn't find them all! For 135 it finds [49, 49, 36, 1],
>> [81, 25, 25, 4] and [81, 36, 9, 9], but not [121, 9, 4, 1].- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> blowed if i know why that is !
I think I might have cracked it:
import math
def sumsq(n):
if n == 0:
return [[]]
root = int(math.sqrt(n))
square = root ** 2
sums = [[square] + s for s in sumsq(n - square)]
while root > 1:
root -= 1
square = root ** 2
if square < n // len(sums[0]):
more_sums = [[square] + s for s in sumsq(n - square)]
if len(more_sums[0]) == len(sums[0]):
return sums
for n in range(1, 150):
# Find all the possible sums.
sums = sumsq(n)
# Create a set of the unique combinations.
sums = set(tuple(sorted(s, reverse=True)) for s in sums)
# Convert back to a list of lists.
sums = [list(s) for s in sorted(sums, reverse=True)]
print n, sums
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