Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?
mensanator at
Tue Apr 21 12:59:40 EDT 2009
On Apr 21, 5:37 am, Ivan Illarionov <ivan.illario... at> wrote:
> On Apr 18, 3:39 pm, BJörn Lindqvist <bjou... at> wrote:
> > I first started programming basic and i don't think it has hurt me much.
> > I can somewhat sympathise with the op, neither python nor any other
> > mainstream language can still do this:
> > SCREEN 13
> > PSET 160,100,255
> This is not true. It's trivial with pygame or equivalent SDL
> bindings in other mainstream languages:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import sys
> import pygame
> class BasicInterpreter:
> def SCREEN(self, x):
> self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(
> (320, 200), pygame.FULLSCREEN, 8)
> def PSET(self, x, y, c):
> self.surface.set_at((x, y), c)
> pygame.display.flip()
> if __name__ == '__main__' and len(sys.argv) > 1:
> basic = BASIC()
> with open(sys.argv[1]) as bas:
> for line in bas:
> eval("basic.%s(%s)" % tuple(x.strip() for x in line.split
> (' ', 1)))
> while True:
> for event in pygame.event.get():
> if event.type in (pygame.QUIT, pygame.KEYDOWN):
> sys.exit(0)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This will execute your BASIC program.
And you did it without Goto? Wow.
> --
> Ivan
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