Help with code! Gamepad?
Mike Driscoll
kyosohma at
Thu Apr 23 10:03:41 EDT 2009
On Apr 23, 6:46 am, DC16 <luster... at> wrote:
> I am using pygame and OpenGL.
> How do I make a gamepad able to move the camera to a side of a cube on
> screen.
> Here is the code for keyboard use:
> import pygame
> from pygame.locals import *
> import sys
> from OpenGLLibrary import *
> pygame.init()
> Screen = (800,600)
> Window = glLibWindow(Screen,caption="Camera Test")
> View3D = glLibView3D((0,0,Screen[0],Screen[1]),45)
> View3D.set_view()
> Camera = glLibCamera([0,0.5,6],[0,0,0])
> glLibColorMaterial(True)
> drawing = 0
> Objects = [glLibObjCube(),glLibObjTeapot(),glLibObjSphere
> (64),glLibObjCylinder(0.5,1.0,64),glLibObjCone(0.5,1.8,64)]
> while True:
> key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
> for event in pygame.event.get():
> if event.type == QUIT:
> pygame.quit()
> sys.exit()
> if event.type == KEYDOWN:
> if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
> pygame.quit()
> sys.exit()
> if event.key == K_RETURN:
> drawing += 1
> if drawing == 5:
> drawing = 0
> if event.key == K_1: glLibColor((255,255,255))
> if event.key == K_2: glLibColor((255,0,0))
> if event.key == K_3: glLibColor((255,128,0))
> if event.key == K_4: glLibColor((255,255,0))
> if event.key == K_5: glLibColor((0,255,0))
> if event.key == K_6: glLibColor((0,0,255))
> if event.key == K_7: glLibColor((128,0,255))
> if key[K_LEFT]: Camera.set_target_pos([-6,0.5,0])
> elif key[K_RIGHT]: Camera.set_target_pos([6,0.5,0])
> elif key[K_UP]: Camera.set_target_pos([0,6,2])
> elif key[K_DOWN]: Camera.set_target_pos([0,-6,2])
> else: Camera.set_target_pos([0,0.5,6])
> Camera.update()
> Window.clear()
> Camera.set_camera()
> Objects[drawing].draw()
> Window.flip()
> How do I change it so that a gampad can move the camera in the same
> way.
> (Ignore the colour changing code)
> Thanks,
> Dexter (DC16)
> BTW the code was originally by someone else.
Try cross-posting to the pygame guys:
I read that pyglet will have some sort of gamepad support soon too, so
you might want to check that project out as well.
- Mike
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