install tarball package Python on Debian, necessary modules not found

Frédéric Léger frederic.leger at
Mon Aug 10 04:35:54 EDT 2009

I use Debian Lenny and I tried to install the tarball packaging of the lastest python realease (, release 3.1). After read README file I launch standard Makefile commands. But at the end of "make" command, I have got this message:

Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found:
_curses            _curses_panel      _dbm
_gdbm              _hashlib           _sqlite3
_ssl               _tkinter           bz2
To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the module's name.


So I installed these Debian packages to correct the problem:

_curses, _curses_panel = libncurses-dev
zlib = libbz2-dev
bz2 = libzip-dev
_dbm, _gdbm = libgdbm-dev 
_hashlib, _ssl = libssl-dev 
_sqlite3 = libsqlite3-dev 
_tkinter = tk8.4-dev 
readline = libreadline5-dev 

I use on command line "apt-get install libncurses-dev libbz2-dev ..."
After that, I retry to compile python "make clean ; make ...". And all modules are good.

Good work with Python 3.1 ;)

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