Need help with Python scoping rules

kj at
Tue Aug 25 11:33:26 EDT 2009

I have many years of programming experience, and a few languages,
under my belt, but still Python scoping rules remain mysterious to
me.  (In fact, Python's scoping behavior is the main reason I gave
up several earlier attempts to learn Python.)

Here's a toy example illustrating what I mean.  It's a simplification
of a real-life coding situation, in which I need to initialize a
"private" class variable by using a recursive helper function.

class Demo(object):
    def fact(n):
        if n < 2:
            return 1
            return n * fact(n - 1)

    _classvar = fact(5)

This code fails to compile, with the error "global name 'fact' not

Scanning the Python Language Reference page I see nothing that
would suggest to me a discussion of Python's scoping rules, let
alone anything that would help me solve the specific problem above.
I'm sure it's in there, *somewhere*, but it's anyone's guess where.

Likewise, my book, Beazley's "Python: Essential Reference" is of
no help.  I don't doubt that the answer to my question "is in there,
*somewhere*", but finding it (without reading the book sequentially
from page 1) is a tall order.

All that's left is trial-and-error, the worst kind of programming.
And still I can't find the right way to do this...  I've tried
every variant of this code that I can imagine, including decorating
fact with @staticmethod or @classmethod, etc., etc.  (In the latter
case, I get cryptic errors saying that the staticmethod or classmethod
object is not callable.  Or something like that.)

Needless to say, I'm pretty beat by this point.  Any help would be



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