Modules/packages by GvR?

John Haggerty bouncyinc at
Fri Aug 28 11:18:06 EDT 2009

How is writing code like a language maintainer going to go towards a
philosophic ideal? And more principally why would this be of a benefit. In
the philosophic world dressing and acting like Socrates isn't necessarily
the same as following his ideals and isn't necessarily being Socratic.

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 8:58 AM, gb345 <gb345 at> wrote:

> Are there any Python-only modules or packages in the latest releases
> of Python 2.x or Python 3.x that were largely written by Guido van
> Rossum?  What's the best way to find this out?  I know that some
> modules mention the author(s) in the source code, but this does
> not seem to be true most of the time, as far as I can tell.
> I'm interested in reading this code as prime examplars of "Pythonicity".
> (I'm sure that many other programmers could serve as models of the
> Pythonic ideal, but I doubt that there would be a *less debatable*
> choice in this category than GvR.)
> Many thanks in advance,
> Gabe
> --
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