Building / making an application
Diez B. Roggisch
deets at
Sun Aug 2 16:08:00 EDT 2009
Peter Chant schrieb:
> Krishnakant wrote:
>> Have you considered creating a deb or rpm package for your application?
>> Most of the documentation for deb or rpm will talk about make files.
>> But even a distutil based python package (with a can be made
>> into a deb package.
>> Then the your requirement will be satisfied at least for most gnu/linux
>> based distros.
> I'm a slacker, so what I would do would be to make a slack build, the
> slackbuild would take the source and build that. The stage I am at is
> the "how to build the source" stage. Don't really intend to get as far as
> distribution specific packages.
> What I could do is create a script in the source root directory (that sounds
> a bit overblown) that simply concatenates together all the python files in
> the right order and perhaps copies the result to /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin
> as appropriate. Is that the right way to go? It looks like distutils is
> appropriate only for modules.
> OTOH it might be appropriate to put the bulk of an application in a module
> and have a function calling it the only part of the main script.
You should consider using setuptools. Then you get an egg that people
can install, and you can define "console_scripts"-entry-points which
will be installed into /usr/local/bin or similar locations.
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