Cypress FX2 - py libusb code?
rays at
Wed Aug 5 12:21:35 EDT 2009
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To run the single C file USB bulk read program properly,
you must provide a source of data to the CY7C68013 FIFO bus,
like the Simple dual channel A/D system, otherwise the reading
call will time out in one second, you will get a bunch of zeros,
and the ninth status number will be something negative instead of 512.
import sys
import os
import time
import usb
def PrintDevInfo(dev):
"""Print device information."""
print "Device:", dev.filename
print " Device class:",dev.deviceClass
print " Device sub class:",dev.deviceSubClass
print " Device protocol:",dev.deviceProtocol
print " Max packet size:",dev.maxPacketSize
print " idVendor:",dev.idVendor
print " idProduct:",dev.idProduct
print " Device Version:",dev.deviceVersion
print " Device SerialNumber:",dev.iSerialNumber
for config in dev.configurations:
print " Configuration:", config.value
print " Total length:", config.totalLength
print " selfPowered:", config.selfPowered
print " remoteWakeup:", config.remoteWakeup
print " maxPower:", config.maxPower
for intf in config.interfaces:
print " Interface:",intf[0].interfaceNumber
for alt in intf:
print " Alternate Setting:",alt.alternateSetting
print " Interface class:",alt.interfaceClass
print " Interface sub class:",alt.interfaceSubClass
print " Interface protocol:",alt.interfaceProtocol
for ep in alt.endpoints:
print " Endpoint:",hex(ep.address)
print " Type:",ep.type
print " Max packet size:",ep.maxPacketSize
print " Interval:",ep.interval
firmware = [0x90, 0xE6, 0x0B, 0x74, 0x03, 0xF0, ##REVCTL = 0x03
0x90, 0xE6, 0x04, 0x74, 0x80, 0xF0, ##FIFORESET = 0x80
0x74, 0x08, 0xF0, ##FIFORESET = 0x08
0xE4, 0xF0, ##FIFORESET = 0x00
0x90, 0xE6, 0x01, 0x74, 0xCB, 0xF0, ##IFCONFIG = 0xCB
0x90, 0xE6, 0x1B, 0x74, 0x0D, 0xF0, ##EP8FIFOCFG = 0x0D
#0x90, 0xE6, 0x09, 0x74, 0x10, 0xF0, ##FIFOPINPOLAR = 0x10 TRUST!!!
0x80, 0xFE]
##while (1) {}
reset = 0x01
er = []
endpoint = 8
# find all of the USB busses
busses = usb.busses()
#print busses
# Find one device
rdev = None
for bus in busses:
for dev in bus.devices:
if dev.idVendor == 0x04B4 and dev.idProduct == 0x8613:
rdev = dev
if rdev==None:
print "Could not find a CY7C68013\ndev.idVendor == 0x04B4 and dev.idProduct == 0x8613"
dev = rdev
current_handle =
requestType = 0x40
request = 0xa0
#buffer = ''.zfill(4096)
er.append(('RESET', current_handle.controlMsg(requestType, request, reset, value, index, timeout) ))##RESET
for i in range(len(firmware)):
#er.append(('ctrlMsg', i, current_handle.controlMsg(0x40, 0xa0, firmware[i], value=i, index=0)))
er.append(('ctrlMsg', i, len(current_handle.controlMsg(0x40, 0xa0, firmware[i], value=i, index=0))))
er.append(('UNRESET', current_handle.controlMsg(requestType, request, reset+1, value, index, timeout))) ##UNRESET
# we know that there's one config, one interface, and one endpoint
conf = dev.configurations[0]
er.append(( "confs", len(dev.configurations)))
er.append(conf.interfaces.count(0))#, conf.interfaces.index(1)
iface = conf.interfaces[0][1]
er.append( ("ifaces[0]", len(conf.interfaces[0])))
endpoint = iface.endpoints[1]
er.append(( "endpoints", len(iface.endpoints)))
er.append(( "iin", iface.interfaceNumber))
er.append( current_handle.setConfiguration(conf))
er.append( current_handle.claimInterface(iface))
er.append( current_handle.setAltInterface(iface))
er.append( current_handle.bulkRead(endpoint.address, 512, 1000))
except usb.USBError, e:
print ' bulkRead error: ', e.args
print ' return data:'
for e in er: print ' ', e
for i in range(512):
print " %02x " % buffer[i],
print "\n status: ", er[-1]
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