Turtle Graphics are incompatible with gmpy
mensanator at aol.com
Wed Aug 5 17:03:05 EDT 2009
On Aug 5, 12:56 pm, Gregor Lingl <gregor.li... at aon.at> wrote:
> Mensanator schrieb:
> >> It didn't form 2.5 to 2.6 (at least not intentionally). But with the
> >> indroduction of the TurtleScreen class and the Screen class/object
> >> (singleton) a few of the turtle methods were also implemented as screen
> >> methods and as turtle methods declared deprecated (see docs of Python
> >> 2.6). These deprecated turtle methods do not occur as turtle methods any
> >> more in Python 3.x.
> > More info.
> > Yes, there is no tracer attribute...when the object is created.
> > But watch this (Python 3.1):
> >>>> import turtle
> >>>> tooter = turtle.Turtle()
> >>>> tooter.tracer
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
> > tooter.tracer
> > AttributeError: 'Turtle' object has no attribute 'tracer'
> >>>> tooter.hideturtle()
> >>>> tooter.speed('fast')
> >>>> turtle.update()
> >>>> turtle.tracer
> > <function tracer at 0x013E0ED0>
> > Now, after setting hide, speed, update, a tracer exists.
> No,
Yeah, I mistyped my example, sorry about that. I thought sure
it was the math error that lead me to the tracer issue, but that
might have been a mistake.
> Nevertheless I'd like to see a working Python 2.5 version of your script.
I've commented out the parts that v2.5 doesn't have.
So the pen is still down and I have no .dot function,
but the gotos appear to still work as evidenced by
the large black square it now draws.
With tracing on in 2.5, I see the turtle move around
the square. With tracing off, I still the the square
outined, but without a turtle and much faster.
With 3.1, the screen is completely blank for 3-4 seconds and appears
all at once when it's done.
import gmpy
## (even) hi----|
## |
## lo (odd)
## or
## (even) lo
## |
## |
## ----hi (odd)
import turtle
tooter = turtle.Turtle()
s = ['1','0']
while len(s[0])<10000:
s = [''.join(s), s[0]]
origin = [0,0]
if s[0] == '0':
if s[1] == '0':
print len(s[0])
for i,j in enumerate(s[0]):
cur_root = gmpy.sqrt(i)
lo__root = gmpy.sqrt(i)**2
hi__root = (gmpy.sqrt(i)+1)**2
if hi__root%2==0:
side = 'northeast'
side = 'southwest'
elbow = (hi__root - lo__root)/2 + lo__root + 1
if i>= elbow:
side_len = i - elbow
elbow_plus = True
side_len = elbow - i
elbow_plus = False
if side == 'northeast':
elbow_offset = [(gmpy.sqrt(elbow)-1)/2 +1,-((gmpy.sqrt(elbow)-1)/2
elbow_offset = [-((gmpy.sqrt(elbow)-1)/2 +1),((gmpy.sqrt(elbow)-1)/
2 +1)]
elbow_coord = [origin[0]+elbow_offset[0],origin[1]+elbow_offset[1]]
if i != hi__root and i != lo__root:
if i == elbow:
the_coord = elbow_coord
if elbow_plus:
if side == 'northeast':
the_coord = [elbow_coord[0]-side_len,elbow_coord[1]]
the_coord = [elbow_coord[0]+side_len,elbow_coord[1]]
if side == 'northeast':
the_coord = [elbow_coord[0],elbow_coord[1]+side_len]
the_coord = [elbow_coord[0],elbow_coord[1]-side_len]
if i % 2 == 0: # even square
n = gmpy.sqrt(i)/2 - 1
the_coord = [-n, -n-1]
n = (gmpy.sqrt(i)-1)/2 - 1
the_coord = [1+n, 1+n]
if j == '0':
print 'done'
print 'done'
> Regards,
> Gregor
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