Two Dimensional Array + ctypes
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py2 at
Thu Aug 6 01:19:24 EDT 2009
En Wed, 05 Aug 2009 20:12:09 -0300, Sparky <Samnsparky at> escribió:
> Hello! I am trying to call this method:
> long _stdcall AIBurst(long *idnum, [...]
> long timeout,
> float (*voltages)[4],
> long *stateIOout,
> long *overVoltage,
> long transferMode);
> I am having some problems with that float (*voltages)[4].
> pointerArray = (ctypes.c_void_p * 4)
> voltages = pointerArray(ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer
> ((ctypes.c_long * 4096)()), ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.cast
> (ctypes.pointer((ctypes.c_long * 4096)()), ctypes.c_void_p),
> ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer((ctypes.c_long * 4096)()),
> ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer((ctypes.c_long * 4096)
Why c_long and not c_float?
Anyway, this way looks much more clear to me (and doesn't require a cast):
arr4096_type = ctypes.c_float * 4096
voltages_type = arr4096_type * 4
voltages = voltages_type()
> The program runs but the values that come back in the array are not
> right.
Thay might be due to the long/float confusion.
Gabriel Genellina
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