os.path.exists() and Samba shares
bdezonia at wisc.edu
Thu Aug 6 17:57:00 EDT 2009
On Jul 31, 10:56 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-... at yahoo.com.ar>
> En Fri, 31 Jul 2009 13:33:45 -0300, BDZ <bdezo... at wisc.edu> escribió:
> > On Jul 30, 4:41 pm, Loïc Domaigné <loic.domai... at googlemail.com>
> > wrote:
> >> > Hello. I have written a Python 3.1 script running on Windows that uses
> >> > os.path.exists() to connect to network shares. If the various network
> >> > shares require different user account and password combos than the
> >> > account the script is running under the routine returns false. I need
> >> > something like os.samba.path.exists(username,password,path). Does
> >> > anyone have a suggestion on how I can accomplish what I need to do in
> >> > Python?
> >> Could the Python Samba module PySamba be interesting for
> >> you?http://sourceforge.net/projects/pysamba/
> > Unfortunately, although it has the calls I'd want, pysamba appears to
> > be *nix only. I need something that will work under Windows. Is there
> > a set of Python Windows functions (official or contributed) that might
> > do what I need? (I'm new to Python)
> SAMBA is a Linux implementation of the SMB protocol, natively supported on
> Windows. You may use the pywin32 package (available on sourceforge.net) to
> call the WNetAddConnection2 Windows function:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385413(VS.85).aspx
> --
> Gabriel Genellina
The WNetAddConnection2 function under pywin32 seems to work. I am able
to make connections to various SMB network resources hosted by
Windows, Mac, and Linux boxes. It has the annoying side effect of
opening a connection.
There is a Win32 function called NetShareCheck. It sounds perfect. It
just checks that the share exists (no connection left open) and does
not require username or password. Unfortunately it fails for Mac and
Linux SMB resources. Just FYI.
I understand Samba and Windows SMB are not the same thing. What I was
hoping for when I investigated pySamba was to find a python module/
extension that supported a simple SMB interface and would run from any
host platform.
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