How do I convert an iterator over bytes into a str?
Carl Banks
pavlovevidence at
Tue Aug 18 23:02:34 EDT 2009
On Aug 18, 3:24 pm, markscottwright <markscottwri... at> wrote:
> This does what I expected:
> In [6]: list(iter([1,2,3,4,5]))
> Out[6]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
> But this appears to be doing a __repr__ rather than making me a nice
> string:
> In [7]: str(iter("four score and seven years ago"))
> Out[7]: '<iterator object at 0x0139F190>'
Unfortunately, str() is overloaded in that it tries to be both a sorta-
pretty-printer and a constructor. You're trying to use it as a
constructor, but it wants to be a sorta-pretty-printer here.
Anyway, str is different from other container objects since, unlike
other containers, strings can't contain arbitrary Python objects.
> What's the correct way to turn an iterator over bytes into a string?
> This works, but, ewww:
> In [8]: "".join(iter("four score and seven years ago"))
> Out[8]: 'four score and seven years ago'
This is the correct way.
If the syntax bothers you can always do this:
str.join("",iter("four score"))
I think "".join is ugly as hell but in this case convenience beats
beauty for me.
Carl Banks
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