2.6 windows install
mccredie at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 16:20:11 EDT 2009
On Aug 20, 10:21 am, "Tim Arnold" <tim.arn... at sas.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed python2.6 to a netapp device. I can use it from my local windows
> machine (XP). But others cannot use it from their pcs.
> They get this response
> "The system cannot execute the specified program.".
> If they double click on python.exe, they get a window
> with: This application has failed to start because the application
> configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this
> problem.
> When I installed it I didn't see any mention of an 'administrators' install,
> it just installed. The permissions on the directories where it installed are
> set wide-open for everyone.
> Any ideas on what I'm missing here?
> thanks,
> --Tim Arnold
The default windows install puts Python26.dll in \windows\system32. I
haven't tried this, but you could probably fix your install by moving
Python26.dll into the Python26 directory.
That being said, the usual thing to do would be to install it on each
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