basic thread question
John Nagle
nagle at
Mon Aug 24 01:14:17 EDT 2009
Jan Kaliszewski wrote:
> 18-08-2009 o 22:10:15 Derek Martin <code at> wrote:
>> I have some simple threaded code... If I run this
>> with an arg of 1 (start one thread), it pegs one cpu, as I would
>> expect. If I run it with an arg of 2 (start 2 threads), it uses both
>> CPUs, but utilization of both is less than 50%. Can anyone explain
>> why?
>> I do not pretend it's impeccable code, and I'm not looking for a
>> critiqe of the code per se, excepting the case where what I've written
>> is actually *wrong*. I hacked this together in a couple of minutes,
>> with the intent of pegging my CPUs. Performance with two threads is
>> actually *worse* than with one, which is highly unintuitive. I can
>> accomplish my goal very easily with bash, but I still want to
>> understand what's going on here...
>> The OS is Linux 2.6.24, on a Ubuntu base. Here's the code:
> Python threads can't benefit from multiple processors (because of GIL,
> see:
This is a CPython implementation restriction. It's not inherent in
the language.
Multiple threads make overall performance worse because Python's
approach to thread locking produces a large number of context switches.
The interpreter unlocks the "Global Interpreter Lock" every N interpreter
cycles and on any system call that can block, which, if there is a
thread waiting, causes a context switch.
Multiple Python processes can run concurrently, but each process
has a copy of the entire Python system, so the memory and cache footprints are
far larger than for multiple threads.
John Nagle
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