Object Reference question
Bruno Desthuilliers
bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Mon Aug 24 09:55:16 EDT 2009
josef a écrit :
> I think that something like a = MyClass0(name =
> 'a', ...) is a bit redundant. Are definitions treated the same way?
> How would one print or pass function names?
In Python, classes and functions are objects too. The class and def
statements are mostly syntactic sugar that *both* instanciate the (resp)
class of function objet *and* bind it in the local namespace. FWIW,
while class and function objects do (usually) have a __name__ attribute
(usually the one used in the class or def statement...), this doesn't
mean they're still bound to this name, nor that they are not bound to
any other name:
bruno at bruno:~$ python
Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41)
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
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pythonrc start
pythonrc done
>>> def foo(): print "function foo ???"
>>> foo
<function foo at 0x8563e9c>
>>> foo.__name__
>>> bar = foo
>>> bar.__name__
>>> bar()
function foo ???
>>> import sys
>>> foo = lambda: sys.stdout.write("pick a boo !\n")
>>> foo.__name__
>>> foo()
pick a boo !
>>> funcs = [foo, bar]
>>> del foo
>>> funcs[0]
<function <lambda> at 0x8563ed4>
>>> funcs[0]()
pick a boo !
>>> funcs[1]
<function foo at 0x8563e9c>
>>> funcs[1]()
function foo ???
>>> funcs[1].__name__
>>> del bar
>>> funcs[1]()
function foo ???
>>> funcs[1].__name__ = "yadda"
>>> funcs[1]()
function foo ???
>>> funcs[1].__name__
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