Help with arrays
mdekauwe at
Tue Aug 25 19:48:35 EDT 2009
On Aug 25, 11:50 pm, Stephen Fairchild <someb... at> wrote:
> Philip Semanchuk wrote:
> > On Aug 25, 2009, at 6:14 PM, Gleb Belov wrote:
> >> Hello! I'm working on an exercise wherein I have to write a Guess The
> >> Number game, but it's the computer who's guessing MY number. I can get
> >> it to work, but there's one obvious problem: the computer generates
> >> random numbers until one of them corresponds to my number, but it will
> >> often generate one number (eg. 4) numerous times, meaning it doesn't
> >> know that this number is invalid. What I mean is, it will sometimes
> >> use 37 tries to guess a number out of 1 - 9, which makes no sense,
> >> since it should only take 9 tries, at most. I was trying to find a way
> >> to make a dynamic list of all the numbers the computer generates in
> >> the loop and then make it re-generate the number if the previous
> >> number is present in the list, so it doesn't keep on generating 4 (as
> >> an example). I don't know if that makes sense... Basically, we humans
> >> know that once something is incorrect, there's no point in trying to
> >> use it as the answer next time, because we already know it's
> >> incorrect. How do I go about coding this in Python? I'm still quite
> >> new to the language so any help will be appreciated...
> > One cheap way to do it (not necessarily efficient) is to make a list
> > of your possible guesses (e.g. range(1,10)), use random.shuffle() to
> > put them in random order and then run through the guesses one at a time.
> import random
> import time
> l = range(1, 10)
> while l:
> print l.pop(random.randint(0, len(l) - 1))
> time.sleep(2)
> --
> Stephen Fairchild
Perhaps generate all of the possible moves at the outset in some form
of lookup table that you can refer to? I think it is a similar thing
to how computers play chess, I think it is called "hash tables"
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