TypeError: _getfullpathname() argument 1 must be (buffer overflow), not str in windows xp, while making tarfile
ryniek90 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 06:44:07 EDT 2009
> [snip]
>>>> Here's my script code:
>>>> *http://paste.ubuntu.com/259310/
>>>> *Shouldn't that bug be patched already :-?
>>> Are you giving it the contents of the file when it's actually expecting
>>> the filename?
>> Of course the content of the file:
> [snip]
>> See? *backup_obj.add(read_obj.read())*
>> In previous pasted Traceback you can see
>> *backup_obj.add(read_bin_obj)* - read_obj_bin was a reference to the
>> *read_obj.read()* .
> The documentation lists the methods "add" and "addfile". Pick one and
> provide the values it's expecting. For example, if you choose "add" then
> provide the filename, not the contents of the file.
>> Do only I have this problem or Python programming under Windows is
>> nightmare?
> It's only a nightmare if you don't follow the documentation. :-)
Hahah right. My fault. Must remember to read documentation so many times
until I find the solution. Thanks, now works fine. :-)
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