Need help with Python scoping rules
kj at
Wed Aug 26 11:27:06 EDT 2009
In <1bf83a7e-f9eb-46ff-84fe-cf42d9608e71 at> Carl Banks <pavlovevidence at> writes:
>On Aug 26, 7:09=A0am, kj <no.em... at> wrote:
>> In <16b72319-8023-471c-ba40-8025aa6d4... at> Ca=
>rl Banks <pavlovevide... at> writes:
>> >> First, one of the goals of OO is encapsulation, not only at the
>> >> level of instances, but also at the level of classes. =3DA0Your commen=
>> >> suggests that Python does not fully support class-level encapsulation.
>> >I can't answer this, I don't even know what you are talking about.
>> Yes, you do. =A0As I said in another post, Python offers some degree
>> of class-level encapsulation (e.g. class variables). =A0But it is
>> limited by the fact that these class-encapsulated elements can't
>> always be accessed from within the class itself, which is kind of
>> silly.
>Nope, you're wrong. Class variables are accessible wherever a class
>exists. The apparent silliness of this is because you are confusing
>classes with class statements.
Repeating an earlier example (though I've switched the order of
the two internal functions):
class Demo(object):
def fact_iter(n):
ret = 1
for i in range(1, n + 1):
ret *= i
return ret
def fact_rec(n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return n * fact_rec(n - 1)
classvar1 = fact_iter(5)
classvar2 = fact_rec(5)
In the initialization of classvar1, fact_iter is invoked without
any problem even though the class is not yet created: no need to
qualify it with the name of the class. This is completely inconsistent
with the requirement that fact_rec be so qualified when invoked
within fact_rec.
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