Python on the Web
John Nagle
nagle at
Fri Aug 28 12:18:11 EDT 2009
Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> A few additional comments on top of what others have said.
> On Aug 26, 11:09 am, Phil <phil... at> wrote:
>> As I've read elsewhere, "These days, FastCGI is never used directly.
Actually, FCGI works quite well. Sitetruth's AdRater
( uses
FCGI and Python on the server.
FCGI is basically CGI with process reusability. Each
app gets its own process in its own address space with its
own global interpreter lock. mod_fcgi in Apache keeps a
supply of such processes around, launching additional ones if there's
heavy request traffic and shutting down existing ones when there
isn't. Each process handles one transaction after another,
so, unlike CGI, you're not spending all your time loading Python
and its modules.
Here's the main loop of a real FCGI application. This uses a small
WSGI library on the Python side. No "framework" is involved.
from fcgi import WSGIServer
import MySQLdb
db = None # database connection, held open for life of FCGI
# The application
def QuickSitetruthQuery(environ, start_response):
global db # static global - active database handle
if db : # if previously attached
try : # test whether connection is still up
# handle loss of database connection
except MySQLdb.OperationalError, message:
db = None # we lost database connection
if db is None : # if no valid database handle
db = miscutils.dbattach(kdbfile) # connect to database
status = '200 OK' # normal status
headers = [('Content-type','text/xml'), ('charset','utf-8')]
reqlist = cgi.parse_qsl(environ['QUERY_STRING']) # Parse params
priority = 1 # priority of request
sourceip = environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] # get IP address of client
urls = [] # list of URLs to check
for item in reqlist : # for all items
(key, value) = item # extract item
if key.lower() == 'url' : # want all "url" items
elif key.lower() == 'priority' : # if priority
priority = int(value) # get priority value
# Make request; no waiting, no details
outstr = InfoDisplay.getratingXMLquick(db, kdbfile, urls,
priority, sourceip) # get the rating XML, never wait
start_response(status, headers) # compose result
s = kprefixxml + outstr + ksuffixxml # construct output XML
return [s.encode('utf8')] # encode as UTF8
except Exception, message: # if trouble, report to user
# Error handling
status = "500 Internal Error on Server"
response_headers = [("Content-type","text/html")]
start_response(status, response_headers)
s = "<h1>Internal error - request not processed.</h1>\n\n"
+ traceback.format_exc()
s = s.replace("\n","<br>") # convert to HTML
return [s]
# Main FCGI program
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