Overriding module's class

Bruno Desthuilliers bdesth.quelquechose at free.quelquepart.fr
Thu Dec 3 17:20:56 EST 2009

Pavel Skvazh a écrit :
> Is it possible to override a class in the module or the module itself
> that is imported across the project to add new methods to it?
> For example I've got
> module 'a' with class A
> from a import A
> but I don't want to add a method to that A class not just in this
> unit, but across the project, so everywhere I'll import class A - it
> would be a modified one.

Google for "monkey patch".

FWIW, what turns a function into a method is not the fact that it has
been defined with a class statement, but the fact that it's an attribute
of a class object. Where the function is defined is totally irrelevant.

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