Request for py program to insert space between two characters and saved as text?

Dave Angel davea at
Wed Dec 9 17:01:39 EST 2009

r0g wrote:
> Dave Angel wrote:
>> r0g wrote:
>>> Dave Angel wrote:
>>>> r0g wrote:
>>>>> Dave Angel wrote:
>>>>>> r0g wrote:
>>>>>>> Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Tue, 8 Dec 2009 08:26:58 +0530, 74yrs old
>>>>>>>> <withblessings at>
>>>>>>>> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
>>>>>>>>> For Kannada project .txt(not .doc) is used, my requirement is to
>>>>>>>>> have one
>>>>>>> <big snip>
>>>> That's even worse.  As far as I can tell, the code will never do what he
>>>> wants in Python 2.x.   The Kannada text file is full of Unicode
>>>> characters in some encoding, and if you ignore the encoding, you'll just
>>>> get garbage.
>>> Ah, fair enough. In my defence though I never saw the original post or
>>> this kannada.txt file as my newsserver is not so much with the
>>> reliability. I guess it's naive to assume an english .txt file is going
>>> to be in ASCII these days eh?
>>> I've yet to try python 3 yet either, this whole Unicode thing looks like
>>> it could be a total nightmare! :(
>>> Roger.
>> But it isn't an english  .txt file, it's a Kannada  .txt file.  
>> Presumably you didn't realize that Kannada is a (non-English) language,
>> spoken in parts of India, with several hundred characters.  ASCII wasn't
>> even an option.  Anyway, no harm done, someone else referred the OP to a
>> Python user-group local to that region.
>> DaveA
> Well this looked like English to me...
> example: *F o r  K a n n a d a  p r o j e c t . t x t(n o t .d o c)  i s
>  u s e d,  m y  r e q u i r e m e n t   i s  t o  h a v e  o n e  s p a
> c e  b e t w e e n  t w o  c h a r a c t e r s  i n  t h e  t e x t.*
> ...but yes you're right, I had never heard of Kannada let alone knew it
> was another language!
> Roger.
There were two examples.  The one you quoted was in English, and 
immediately afterward was the second one, presumably in Kannada.


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