How to create a docstring for a module?
Dr. Phillip M. Feldman
pfeldman at
Sun Dec 6 15:31:06 EST 2009
Steven D'Aprano-7 wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Dec 2009 10:55:50 +0100, Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
>> On Sat, 5 Dec 2009 23:04:42 -0800 (PST) "Dr. Phillip M. Feldman"
>> <pfeldman at> wrote:
>>> If I create a module with a docstring """xyz does everything you
>>> could possibly want.""" at the top, the command ?xyz issued at the
>>> IPython prompt does not display this docstring. What am I doing wrong?
>> Stab in the dark: You have imported the module first, right?
>> Also: Never, EVER, ask a question like this on any technical forum
>> without posting your code (or rather: a minimal version of it that still
>> exhibits the problem). That way, people can help you directly instead of
>> taking wild guesses at what your problem might be.
> In fairness, Phillip's description of the problem is pretty straight-
> forward: he has a module with a docstring. The minimal version of
> the code is no code at all, just a docstring:
> """xyz does everything you could possibly want."""
> His problem isn't an error when running the code, but an error with
> IPython's command ?xyz.
> What he didn't say is what IPython prints instead of the expected
> docstring. Over to you Phillip, don't just tell us what IPython doesn't
> do, tell us what it does do.
> My guesses are:
> * He hasn't imported the module, so he gets an error of some sort.
> * He hasn't actually defined a docstring. Docstrings have to be string
> literals, you can't do this:
> """%s does everything you could possibly want.""" % "xyz"
> Nor can you have anything except comments and whitespace between the top
> of the module and the string.
> * He has another module called xyz which is shadowing the module he
> expects, and so he sees that module's docstring instead.
> --
> Steven
> --
My bad. This is working for me now. I could swear that I imported the
module previously, but perhaps I didn't . My apologies, and thanks for the
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