Lie Ryan
lie.1296 at
Tue Dec 8 02:51:45 EST 2009
First, I apologize for rearranging your message out of order.
On 12/8/2009 5:29 AM, Jorge Cardona wrote:
>>> islice execute the function at the generator and drop the elements
>>> that aren't in the slice. I found that pretty weird, the way that i
>>> see generators is like an association between and indexing set (an
>>> iterator or another generator) and a computation that is made indexed
>>> by the indexing set, and islice is like a "transformation" on the
>>> indexing set,it doesn't matter the result of the function, the slice
>>> should act only on the indexing set, some other "transformation" like
>>> takewhile act on the result so, the execution it has to be made, but
>>> in the islice, or other "transformation" that act only in the indexing
>>> set, the function shouldn't be executed at each element, but only on
>>> that new set that result of the application of the "transformation" on
>>> the original set.
>> that seems like an extremely lazy evaluation, I don't know if even a true
>> lazy language do that. Python is a strict language, with a few laziness
>> provided by generators, in the end it's still a strict language.
> Yes, it looks like lazy evaluation, but, i don't see why there is not
> a better control over the iterable associated to a generator, even
> with Python that is a strict language, it will increase the
> functionality of it, and the performance too, imagine that you pass a
> function that takes 1 sec in run, and for several reason you can't
> slice before (as the smp function that i want to create), the final
> performance with the actual islice it gets really reduced
> Just creating the separation between those transformation that act on
> the index(islice, or tee) on those that act on the result(dropwhile,
> takewhile, etc.) the control could be fine enough to increase
> usability (that's the way i think right now), and you will be able to
> combine generator without lose performance.
Theoretically yes, but the semantic of generators in python is they work
on an Iterable (i.e. objects that have __iter__), instead of a Sequence
(i.e. objects that have __getitem__). That means semantically,
generators would call obj.__iter__() and call the iter.__next__() and do
its operation for each items returned by the iterator's iterable's
The lazy semantic would be hard to fit the current generator model
without changing the semantics of generator to require a Sequence that
supports indexing.
> Yes, it looks like lazy evaluation, but, i don't see why there is not
> a better control over the iterable associated to a generator, even
> with Python that is a strict language
You can control the laziness by making it explicitly lazy:
from functools import partial
def f(x):
print("eval: %d"%x)
return x
X = range(10)
g = (partial(f, x) for x in X)
print(list(x() for x in islice(g,0,None,2)))
# # or without partial:
# g = ((lambda: f(x)) for x in X)
# print(list(f() for f in islice(g,0,None,2)))
In a default-strict language, you have to explicitly say if you want
lazy execution.
> What i want to do is a function that receive any kind of generator and
> execute it in several cores (after a fork) and return the data, so, i
> can't slice the set X before create the generator.
beware that a generator's contract is to return a valid iterator *once*
only. You can use itertools.tee() to create more generators, but tee
built a list of the results internally.
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