Brent's variation of a factorization algorithm
n00m at
Wed Dec 9 13:53:11 EST 2009
Being an absolute dummy in Theory of Number
for me ***c'est fantastique*** that brent() works =)
Values of magic parameters c = 11 and m = 137
almost don't matter. Usually they choose c = 2
(what about to run brent() in parallel with different
values of "c" waiting for "n" is cracked?)
Before calling brent() "n" should be tested for its
primality. If it is a prime brent(n) may freeze for good.
> A better place to publish this code would be the Python Cookbook:
It requires a tedious registration etc.
Gabriel, don't you mind to publish the code there by yourself?
In the long run, it is an invention by Richard Brent (b.1946) =)
I just rewrote it to Python from a pseudo-code once available in
Wiki but which for some vague reason was later on removed from there.
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