Dangerous behavior of list(generator)
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Mon Dec 14 09:58:51 EST 2009
exarkun at twistedmatrix.com wrote:
> On 08:45 am, tjreedy at udel.edu wrote:
>> Tom Machinski wrote:
>>> In most cases, `list(generator)` works as expected. Thus,
>>> `list(<generator expression>)` is generally equivalent to `[<generator
>>> expression>]`.
>>> Here's a minimal case where this equivalence breaks, causing a serious
>>> and hard-to-detect bug in a program:
>>> >>> def sit(): raise StopIteration()
>> StopIteration is intended to be used only within the .__next__ method
>> of iterators. The devs know that other 'off-label' use results in the
>> inconsistency you noted, but their and my view is 'don't do that'.
> Which is unfortunate, because it's not that hard to get StopIteration
> without explicitly raising it yourself and this behavior makes it
> difficult to debug such situations.
> What's with this view, exactly? Is it just that it's hard to implement
> the more desirable behavior?
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking for.
The StopIteration exception originated as part of the for-loop
protocol. Later on it was generalized to apply to generators
as well.
The reason for using an exception is simple: raising and catching
exceptions is fast at C level and since the machinery for
communicating exceptions up the call stack was already there
(and doesn't interfere with the regular return values), this
was a convenient method to let the upper call levels know
that an iteration has ended (e.g. a for-loop 4 levels up the
I'm not sure whether that answers your question, but it's the
reason for things being as they are :-)
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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