What type of info do you capture about a user's environment for debugging?

python at bdurham.com python at bdurham.com
Mon Dec 14 15:39:55 EST 2009

We're preparing to release a commercial software product based on
Python. When a customer reports problems with our software, we
would like to capture as much information about their environment
as possible while being respectful of privacy concerns. The info
we capture will be displayed to the user for review and optional
submission to our support team.
Here's what we've come up with so far:
- platform module info
- locale module info
- os.environ (selected info)
- sys.argv (application path and command line arguements)
Free disk space and write status for the following paths:
- application folder
- startup folder (which may be different than application folder)
- temp path
- user path ("My Documents", "Home")
Information captured via our browser interface
- display resolution
- browser version
Anyone have any additional suggestions or feedback?

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