Seek support for new slice syntax PEP.

Nobody nobody at
Mon Dec 14 16:45:33 EST 2009

On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 10:03:16 -0800, Dave wrote:

> Just as sets may now be written as {3,'hi'}, I propose that slices
> should be available using [start:end] syntax.  Following example comes
> from problem 166.  The Numeric community would also
> like this, as would the general python user.  The slice notation would
> require one ":" between the brackets to differentiate it from a list,
> which is similar to the set notation requirement that disambiguates it
> from a dictionary.
> Several times now I've wanted python slice notation.  Perhaps I'll
> write a Python Enhancement Proposal.

Would it suffice to add the equivalent of numpy.s_ as a builtin?

	> from numpy import s_
	> s_[1:2:3]
	slice(1, 2, 3)
	> s_[1:2:3, ..., 4:5]
	(slice(1, 2, 3), Ellipsis, slice(4, 5, None))

Or would it be possible to define "slice" itself so that it implements
__getitem__ and __getslice__?

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