Object Relational Mappers are evil (a meditation)

J Kenneth King james at agentultra.com
Wed Dec 16 09:26:02 EST 2009

Steven D'Aprano <steve at REMOVE-THIS-cybersource.com.au> writes:

> On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 19:20:21 -0500, Steve Holden wrote:
>> Simon Forman wrote:
>> [...]
>>> As far as the OP rant goes, my $0.02:  bad programmers will write bad
>>> code in any language, with any tool or system or environment they're
>>> given.  If you want to avoid bad code there's (apparently) no
>>> substitute for smrt programmers who are familiar with the tools they're
>>> using, not just the syntax but the underlying conceptual models as
>>> well.
>> Hear, hear!
> That's all very well, but some languages and techniques encourage the 
> programmer to write bad code.

That's just BS.

Bad code doesn't just write itself.  Programmers write bad code.  And
ignorance is not an excuse.

Just because a language allows a programmer to write sloppy code doesn't
put the language at fault for the bad code programmers write with it.
Any half-way decent programmer should be cognisant of when they're
writing bad code and when they're writing good code.  They should be
able to admit that they don't know enough about a language to be writing
programs for money in it.  They should be able to see anti-patterns and
areas of their code that should be re-factored or re-written.

The real underlying problem is the human characteristic that allows us
to let ourselves believe that we're better than everyone else or more
simply, better than we really are.

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