platform module problem when frozen?

Dave Angel davea at
Wed Dec 16 10:07:52 EST 2009

Gabriel Rossetti wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hello 
> everyone,
> I am having problems with the platform module when being run from a 
> frozen program (py2exe). It imports it fine, but it gives me the 
> following error :
> 'module' object does not contain attribute 'platform' when I do this :
> platform.platfom()
> Does platform have a problem with being called when in a frozen 
> program or does it do some stuff behind the scenes that py2exe doesn't 
> pickup?
> Thank you,
> Gabriel
> </div>
Chances are that there is another module "platform" which is being 
picked up instead of the one in the library.  Have you tried printing  
platform.__file__  ??

If it's getting the wrong one, you probably have a search-order problem.


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