Apple Mac OS X 10.6 support & compatability with Python 3 ?
Mark Dickinson
dickinsm at
Wed Dec 16 13:22:42 EST 2009
On Dec 16, 5:41 pm, pdlem... at wrote:
> I've been given a MAC AIR laptop with OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard".
> On my desktop I dual boot with XP - Ubuntu and have Python on both.
> Unfortunately all my Python programs are written on Windows XP and
> I heavily rely on WConio for console I/O.
> Called Apple tech support. The technician had never heard of Python,
> ascertained the MAC AIR does not come preloaded with Python and
> did not know if Python 3 would run under OS X 10.6. This was "beyond"
> their expertise.
Unless the MacBook Air has some sort of cut-down version
of Snow Leopard (which I doubt), it'll have Python 2.5.4
and Python 2.6.1 pre-installed. You'd have to install
Python 3.1 yourself if you want it, but it runs just fine
on OS X 10.6 (and earlier). There may be some problems
with the Python 3.1.1 version from the official download
page, though, since Python 3.1.1 was released *before*
Snow Leopard was. An easy way to get a working
Python 3.1.1 on OS X 10.6 is to install MacPorts and
then do a 'sudo port install python31'.
I don't know anything about WConio.
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