Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?
Jonathan Hartley
tartley at tartley.com
Thu Dec 17 14:37:47 EST 2009
On Dec 17, 5:36 pm, Ross Ridge <rri... at csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> <pyt... at bdurham.com> wrote:
> >Does anyone have any recommendations on which version of the
> >MSVC?90.DLL's need to be distributed with a Python 2.6.4 PY2EXE (0.6.9)
> >based executable? (I assume I need just a matching pair of MSVCR90.DLL
> >and MSVCP90.DLL?)
> Either the one the came with your copy Microsoft Visual C++ or Python
> 2.6.4. Otherwise, you don't have the legal right to redistribute
> Microsoft's code.
> Ross Ridge
> --
> l/ // Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU
> [oo][oo] rri... at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
> -()-/()/ http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~rridge/
> db //
Hi. I clearly haven't yet quite understood this very well.
Only this week I sent a py2exe-derived executable to someone else (a
non-developer) and it would not run on their WinXP machine ("'The
system cannot execute the specified program'") - my current favourite
hypothesis is that my omission of this dll or something similar was to
To diagnose what's wrong, I can't get access to the machine that gives
the above error. To try and reproduce, I'm right now in the process of
creating a bare-bones WindowsXP installed on a VM.
My questions are, sadly, legion:
1) I don't understand why the OP's question doesn't deserve a literal
answer - isn't one of those DLLs in the WinSxS directory derived from
his MSVC install? In which case does he have the rights to
redistribute it?
Ross said:
> Either the one the came with your copy Microsoft Visual C++ or Python 2.6.4.
2) The required dlls come with Python? Whatwhatwhat? Is this if I
download Python source to compile myself?
2b) Presumably these runtimes must come with Visual Studio express
edition (the free one.) I assume I can just prise the required DLL off
my filesystem after MSVS express edition has installed, rather than
insisting that my users run the MSVC runtime installer at
3) The wxpython site describes that I have to use a manifest file as
well as the DLLs, although I find no mention of the word 'manifest' on
www.py2exe.org, excepting a vaguely worded news item. Other sites (eg.
StackOverflow) report conflicting ideas of whether and when this
manifest file is needed. Is there a simple answer to whether this is
4) The py2exe wiki says, of the msvc runtime dll version 7.1 (for
versions of Python prior to 2.6) that:
"Since most Windows installations nowadays include this DLL by
default, it may be unnecessary."
To what extent is this true? Does the same not also apply to the msvc
runtime 9.0 dll? (for Python 2.6.4)
Malcome said:
> (I assume I need just a matching pair of MSVCR90.DLL and MSVCP90.DLL?)
5) Whatwhatwhat again? More than one DLL is required? Are there ever
any more than these two?
Sorry to be dense. Terse links to useful sources of information
appreciated. I've read the whole py2exe wiki and been googling the
last hour.
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