Line indexing in Python
fitzpadj at
Fri Dec 18 16:26:58 EST 2009
You are a gentleman!
Thank you very much for your suggestion!
Kind Regards,
Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
> On 18/12/09, seafoid (fitzpadj at wrote:
> Your specification is confusing. However I suggest you break it down
> the code so that the steps in your programme are logical. Good luck.
> # example psuedocode
> headers = {}
> header_clauses = {}
> current_header = None
> def header_parser (input):
> split input into parts
> make unique header desciptor
> check not in headers else abort with error (?)
> add descriptor to headers hash
> # eg descriptor 1 = [attrib1, attrib2, attrib3]
> return descriptor
> def clause_parser (input, current_header):
> if current_header is None: abort
> split clause into parts
> store in array in header_clauses [current_header]
> # this will make a data structure like this:
> # header_clauses = {
> # descriptor1 = {[ clause parts ], [ clause parts ], ... }
> # descriptor2 = {[ clause parts ], [ clause parts ], ... }
> def comment_parser (input)
> pass
> # now run over the file
> for l in lines:
> if l[0] == 'c':
> comment_parser(l)
> elif l[0] == 'p':
> current_header = header_parser(l)
> else:
> clause_parser(l, current_header)
> # now that we have stored everything, check the data
> for h in headers:
> attrib1, attrib2, attrib3 = headers[h]
> for c in header_clauses:
> iterate over the arrays of clause parts either adding them
> up or comparing them to the header attributes
> --
> Rory Campbell-Lange
> Director
> rory at
> Campbell-Lange Workshop
> 0207 6311 555
> 3 Tottenham Street London W1T 2AF
> Registered in England No. 04551928
> --
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