iterators and views of lists
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at
Fri Dec 18 16:45:38 EST 2009
On 12/18/2009 1:00 AM, Brendan Miller wrote:
>> For the benefit of those of us who aren't C++ programmers, what do its
>> iterators do that Python's don't?
It depends on what one means by 'iterator'. Python iterators do not fit
in the STL hierarchy. On the other hand, Python indexes are a form of
random access iterator, the top of the hierarchy.
> Python iterators basically only have one operation:
> next(), which returns the next element or throws StopIteration.
> In C++ terminology this is a Input iterator. It is good for writing
> "for each" loops or map reduce operations.
> An input iterator can't mutate the data it points to.
For that, Python uses indexes. Random access 'iterators' are a
generalization of sequence indexes.
> C++ also has progressively stronger iterators:
> InputIterator<- read only, one direction, single pass
> ForwardIterator<- read/write, one direction, multi pass
> BidirectionalIterator<- read/write, can move in either direction
> RandomAccessIterator<- read/write, can move in either direction by an
> arbitrary amount in constant time (as powerful as a pointer)
An index can be incremented or decremented an arbitrary amount. Note
that Python indexes are object pointers, not memory byte pointers, so
that index + 1 points to the next object, not the next byte of memory in
possibly the same object. They are, however, much safer than pointers in
that x[i] can only retrieve objects of x and never, surprise, surprise,
of some other collection.
> Each only adds extra operations over the one before. So a
> RandomAccessIterator can be used anywhere a InputIterator can, but not
> vice versa.
> Also, this is a duck typing relationship, not a formal class
> inheritance. Anything that quacks like a RandomAccessIterator is a
> RandomAccessIterator, but there is no actual RandomAccessIterator
> class.
> So, for instance stl sort function takes pair of random access
> iterator delimiting a range, and can sort any datastructure that can
> provide that powerful of an iterator (arrays, vectors, deques).
Python, traditionally, only came with one mutable builtin sequence type,
so the sort function was made a method of that type. There is also the
importable array module. Apparently, there has been little demand for a
generic array.sort method as there is none. One could easily write a
function that took an array or other seqeunce and two indexes as args.
The generic reversed() builtin function by default uses sequence indexes
in the obvious manner to return a reversed version of *any* sequence,
mutable or not.
> MyCollection stuff;
> // put some stuff in stuff
> sort(stuff.begin(), stuff.end());
> Where begin() and end() by convention return iterators pointing to the
> beginning and end of the sequence.
start,stop = 0, len(seq)
Terry Jan Reedy
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