How Do I...?
Steve Holden
steve at
Sun Dec 20 07:46:17 EST 2009
Victor Subervi wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 8:04 PM, Steve Holden, Chairman, PSF
> <chairman at <mailto:chairman at>> wrote:
> Well, if we were looking for arrogance we could easily interpret that
> last statement as such. Please remember that although we are mainly
> left-brain types on this list some of us do have artistic and musical
> skills. Some people will therefore probably be closer to your conception
> than you anticipate (though I confess I am unlikely to be one of them).
> Go here:
> if you really want to understand what I mean. It's not arrogance. It's
> the recognition that I simply haven't met anyone who can penetrate what
> I've discovered, even though I prove it factually, and it requires heavy
> right-brain functionality. Even that book is but a glimpse into what
> I've seen.
> Tim is correct, the Python list is a pretty friendly place as far as
> netiquette standards go, and I am happy this thread didn't just turn
> into ugly name calling (which it could have with a less adult approach
> by the participants).
> Good work, Steve! Two cheers! BTW, since I see I'm dealing with the
> chairman of this organization, many years ago I got booted off this list
> because (apparently) whoever was in charge of the list at that time
> decided to boot me off when the people running the Zope list booted me
> off, apparently because of my difficulties with programming. I didn't
> deserve to be booted off the Zope list, much less this one! Ever since
> then, I've been signing up under different pseudonames, the latest of
> which is "Victor Subervi". My legal name (changed to) is actually
> "beno". I would prefer to re-sign up under that. May I? If not, I'll put
> Victor out of his misery and create another fictitious character. Silly
> game I've had to play. Indeed, the whole concept of booting people off
> lists is absurd on its face. The approach I see in your post indicates a
> much more practical approach based in a profound level of maturity. Let
> me know.
> beno
I'm not aware that the python-list is subject to that kind of
censorship. I don't see why you can't subscribe under any name you want,
and I'm certainly not aware of any banning mechanism.
However, you over-estimate the powers of the PSF chairman if you think I
have anything to do with who gets to use the mailing list and who
doesn't ...
Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
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