Object Relational Mappers are evil (a meditation)
Steven D'Aprano
steve at REMOVE-THIS-cybersource.com.au
Wed Dec 23 17:04:38 EST 2009
On Wed, 23 Dec 2009 10:55:19 -0500, J Kenneth King wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano <steve at REMOVE-THIS-cybersource.com.au> writes:
>> On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 11:44:29 -0500, J Kenneth King wrote:
>>> A programmer that
>>> lacks critical thinking is a bad programmer. The language they use
>>> has no bearing on such human facilities.
>> That's nonsense, and I can demonstrate it by reference to a single
>> programming language, namely Python.
>> For many years, Python had no ternary if operator:
> But did the lack of ternary encourage Raymond to become a bad
> programmer?
No, but Raymond started off in a position of being an excellent
programmer. A single buggy idiom lead him to be slightly-less excellent
than he otherwise would have been. How many buggy idioms would it take to
lead him to become a mediocre coder, if he was unable to change languages?
Because Python is generally an excellent language, the harm done by one
or two misfeatures is minor. But less excellent languages encourage
coding styles, techniques and idioms that encourage the programmer to
write poor code: either complicated, baroque, unreadable code; or slow
inefficient code; or buggy code. To avoid starting a flame war, I will
avoid mentioning PHP. *cough*
Sometimes you know what you need to do to write non-buggy code, but
because covering all the corners are just Too Damn Hard in a certain
language, you simply lower your expectations. Error checking is tedious
and hard to get right in some languages, like C and Pascal, and hence
even good programmers can miss some errors.
Different languages encourage different mind-sets in the programmer: C
encourages the coder to think at the low level of pointers and addresses,
and primarily about machine efficiency; Java encourages the use of big
object hierarchies and design patterns (it's hard to write lightweight
code in Java, so everything turns into heavyweight code); Perl encourages
cleverness and code-golf (writing a program in as few lines or characters
as possible); Haskell and Lisp encourage a heavily abstract approach that
often requires an elite coder to follow; Forth encourages you to think
like Yoda.
> Good tools make all the difference in the world, I'm not arguing that.
You appear to be arguing against that.
> Just that the tools don't use us; we use them.
Nobody said that tools use us.
> Programming in Python
> doesn't instantly make me a better programmer.
No, not instantly, but I would argue that after many years of coding in
Python you will be a better programmer than after the same number of
years of coding in PHP or Basic.
It also depends on what you mean by "better programmer". Some languages
value cleverness above all else. Python is not a language for writing
amazing, awe-inspiring hacks that work where nobody but the author can
work out why. This is why there is an Obfuscated C contest and an
Obfuscated Perl contest but no Obfuscated Python contest -- it wouldn't
be anywhere near as awe-inspiring.
So one might argue that the best C and Perl coders are better than the
best Python coders, but the average Python coder is better than the
average C and Perl coder.
(I suggest this as a hypothetical, and do not wish to defend it
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