menu and file

Steven D'Aprano steve at
Sat Dec 26 16:21:07 EST 2009

On Sat, 26 Dec 2009 09:52:12 -0800, hong zhang wrote:

> The question is I want to load a
> text file and bring it to screen like
> 1   23   0x4530
> 2   42   0x8790
> 3   75   0x7684
> Then if I want to select 0x4530, then I simple select 1 and a handler
> should get 0x4530 as input to process.

Break the problem into small pieces:

(1) Read data from a text file.
(2) Print it to the screen.
(3) Wait for user input.
(4) Call a handler.


# Read data from a text file.
# We assume the text file contains one or more lines.
# Each line contains two words, a decimal number and a hex number.
f = open("my-text-file.txt", "r")
lines = []
for line in f:
    a, b = line.split()
    dec_num = int(a)
    hex_num = int(b, 16)
    lines.append( (dec_num, hex_num) )


# Print the menu to the screen.
print "Menu:"
for i, item in enumerate(lines):
    a, b = item
    print "%d   %d   0x%x" % (i+1, a, b)

# Wait for user input.
t = raw_input("Enter a line number 1-%d: " % len(lines))
t = t.strip()
n = int(t) - 1

# Call a handler.
item = lines[n]
b = item[1]
result = handler(b)


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