Dynamic text color
John Posner
jjposner at optimum.net
Thu Dec 31 11:52:56 EST 2009
On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 10:24:44 -0500, Dave McCormick <mackrackit at gmail.com>
> John,
> Thank you for the tips.
> I was changing the line-column index to a FLOAT because the search would
> return the starting position (pos) of the string, then by making it a
> FLOAT and adding the string length I was able to get the end position.
> If "red" was on line 1 column 0..
> Tbox.tag_add("red", pos, float(pos)+.03)
> =
> Tbox.tag_add("red", 1.0, 1.3)
> It was all I could come up with.
Yup, Dave, I've dug this kind of hole for myself many times!
> You have convinced me about the re.finditer for this, I think... Still
> in the prototyping mode:
> def get_position(event):
> pos = Tbox.get(1.0, END)
> match = [ matchobj.span() for matchobj in
> re.finditer("red", pos) ]
> print "match ",match #debug to shell
* Variable "pos" should be "text" or "complete_text" or something similar.
* The first argument to the get() function must be a string:
wrong ... complete_text = Tbox.get(1.0, END)
right ... complete_text = Tbox.get("1.0", END)
But there's a more important problem. Is this function supposed to handle
*one* word to be colored red, or *all the words* to be colored red? Here's
what you want to do on each user keystroke:
1. Use get() to place the entire contents of the Text widget in a
variable, say "complete_text".
2. Use re.finditer() to generate START,END pairs for the substrings to
be colored red. You might find it easier to create a list from the
iterator, though it isn't really necessary:
start_end_pairs = list(re.finditer("red", complete_text))
3. Loop over the START,END pairs in this list. In each loop, use
tag_add() to tag one of the substrings.
[OOPS: I apologize if my suggestion in the previous post misled you. I
described the output of finditer() as "a list of (start,end) pairs for an
invocation of Text.tag_add()". I should have said "a list of (start,end)
Note that the 3 steps above only handle the color red. So you want to
place these steps in a function, then call the function for each color:
insert_color_markup(text, "red")
insert_color_markup(text, "green")
insert_color_markup(text, "blue")
For each call, pass in the contents of complete_text as the first argument.
So the function-call hierarchy would be:
get_position() <--- invoked on each keystroke
insert_color_markup() <--- called once for each color
get() then finditer() then loop-driven calls to tag_add()
I hope that makes sense to you!
> Gives all of START,END pairs just fine. It is the last hint about
> line-column indexes that I am have problems with. All of the
> documentation I can find about "text.tag_add()" uses line-column for
> coordinates.
Lie Ryan has already pointed you to clarifying documentation. Be sure to
bookmark http://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/help/pubs/tkinter/ in your Web
> If I count characters from the beginning how do I know what line the
> text is on? Would you mind making your last hint a bit stronger...
The point is that *you don't need to*. Handling the text as a simple
sequence of characters is much simpler than worrying about line/column
pairs. (If you were using a different shade of red on different lines, you
*would* need to worry about line/column pairs.)
One more suggestion, which I forgot to make in the previous round. Your
code includes this:
Tbox.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N+W+E+S))
root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
You're working too hard here. This is sufficient:
Keep at it, Dave. I've posted a complete solution at
http://cl1p.net/jjp_dynamic_text_color/. But I suggest that you put in a
couple of more hours of coding before peeking at it.
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