is python Object oriented??

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Wed Feb 4 04:11:22 EST 2009

thmpsn.m.k at a écrit :
> On Feb 3, 1:14 am, David Cournapeau <courn... at> wrote:
>> after all, we have used FILE* for years and I have no idea about the FILE
>> structure.
> Your lack of knowledge about it doesn't mean that it has somehow
> magically "private" members. The only reason that most of us don't
> know what a FILE is is that it's definition is implementation-defined
> (i.e., every compiler may define it differently).
> That doesn't have anything to do with private members. For example, on
> my system, <stdio.h> defines FILE as:
> struct _iobuf {
>         char *_ptr;
>         int   _cnt;
>         char *_base;
>         int   _flag;
>         int   _file;
>         int   _charbuf;
>         int   _bufsiz;
>         char *_tmpfname;
>         };

Didn't you notice kind of a pattern here ?

> typedef struct _iobuf FILE;
> Given this information, nothing prevents me from writing things like:
> FILE* fp = fopen("file.txt", "r");
> if (!fp) { /* do something */ }
> printf("fp->_cnt = %d\n", fp->cnt);
> printf("fp->_flag = %d\n", fp->_flag);
> printf("fp->_file = %d\n", fp->_file);
> fp->_flag = 0x20; // OOPS!!

Indeed - and that's exactly the point : nothing prevents you from 
accessing the implementation, *and yet, you don't* - unless of course 
you have a very strong reason to do so for a very specific corner case 
*and* you pretty well know what you're doing *and* you accept the 

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