Running all unit tests

Jason Voegele jason at
Fri Feb 6 21:11:15 EST 2009

I'm working on my first substantial Python project, and I'm following a fully 
test-first approach.  I'd like to know how Pythonistas typically go about 
running all of their tests to ensure that my application stays "green".

In Ruby, I would have a Rake task so that I could say "rake test" and all 
tests would be executed.  In C or C++ I would have a make target so I could 
run all my tests with "make test".  In Java it would be an Ant task and "ant 
test".  And so forth and so on.

What's the recommended approach for Python programs?  I'm sure I could write 
a shell script (or a Python script even) that scans my "test" directory for 
test cases and runs them, but I'm wondering if there's something already 
built in that could do this for me.

Jason Voegele
Only fools are quoted.
		-- Anonymous

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