Invoking CutePDF from within Python

John Henry john106henry at
Thu Feb 12 18:55:37 EST 2009

Hi all,

I have a need to invoke CutePDF from within a Python program.  The
program creates an EXCEL spreadsheet and set the print area and
properties.  Then I wish to store the spreadsheet in a PDF file.
xtopdf does not work well (text only).  ReportLab is an overkill.
PyPDF can only shuffle PDF pages.

All I need is to say "Print this to CUTEPDF and store as xyz.pdf".

I found that this can be done in VB but I do not know VB,

Private Sub Print_PDF()

     Dim lRetVal As Long
     Dim hKey As Long
     Dim sValue As String
     lRetVal = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Custom PDF
Printer",  _
                    0&, vbNullString, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
                    0&, hKey, lRetVal)
     sValue = "C:\Sample.pdf"
     RegSetValueExString hKey, "OutputFile", 0&, REG_SZ, sValue, Len
     sValue = "1"
     RegSetValueExString hKey, "BypassSaveAs", 0&, REG_SZ, sValue, Len

     Dim worddoc As Word.Document
     Set worddoc = wordapp.Documents.Open("C:\Sample.doc")
     wordapp.ActivePrinter = "Custom PDF Printer"

     sValue = "0"
     RegSetValueExString hKey, "BypassSaveAs", 0&, REG_SZ, sValue, Len
     RegCloseKey (hKey)

End Sub

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