return multiple objects

Vincent Davis vincent at
Thu Feb 5 23:29:49 EST 2009

That is what I was missing,
Vincent Davis

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Rhodri James <rhodri at>wrote:

> On Fri, 06 Feb 2009 03:03:01 -0000, Vincent Davis <
> vincent at> wrote:
>  Is it correct that if I want to return multiple objects from a function I
>> need to in some way combine them?
>> def test1():
>>    a = [1,3,5,7]
>>    b = [2,4,6,8]
>>    c=[a,b]
>>   return a, b # this does not work?
>>   return [a, b] # does not work?
>>   return c # this works but I don't like it, , is there a better way?
> Strictly speaking, you can only return one object from a function.
>  However,
> that one object can be a container (list, tuple, dict, set, or what have
> you) that contains multiple objects.  Tuples are a popular choice:
>  return a, b
> ...but almost any ordered type would do, because you can automagically
> unpack the results if you want to:
>  x, y = test1()
> (You might be expecting brackets around the "a, b" and the "x, y", and
> you'd be sort of right.  The brackets (parentheses) for tuples are
> optional, except for a couple of cases where you *have* to put them
> in to avoid ambiguity.  I tend to put them in always, but leaving them
> out in cases like this seems to be normal practice.)
> --
> Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses
> --
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