Internal Server error
Diez B. Roggisch
deets at
Sun Feb 8 09:45:33 EST 2009
zaheer.agadi at wrote:
> On Feb 8, 4:09 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <de... at> wrote:
>> at schrieb:
>> > HI
>> > I am getting an internal server error while trying get response from a
>> > server following is my code
>> > def getDetails(self,username,password):
>> > urllib = urllib2.Request
>> > idurl=""
>> > port=8181
>> > conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("",8181);
>> > conn.debuglevel = 1
>> > username = "userone"
>> > password = "aaaa"
>> > Auth = "Basic" + ecnodeURL(self,username, password)
>> > url= "" +
>> > username + "/attributes/atrone"
>> > print url
>> > headers = {"Authorization": Auth,"Accept": "application/json"}
>> > conn.request("GET", url,{},headers)
>> > response = conn.getresponse()
>> > data =
>> > print response.reason
>> > print response.
> Thanks,
> I know there is something on the wrong side, when it says
> java.util.NoSuchElementException i thought something wrong with
> setting values I just wanted you guys to point me out there is
> something wrong with the code I have written I am not very familiar
> with Python the same work for java works fine.
Well, it's obviously not the same. Otherwise it *would* work fine as well.
your code is a bit non-idiomatic:
urllib = urllib2.Request
is *very* misleading, aliasing a class-constructor with a well-known
Not using username & password also isn't really making sense.
"ecnodeURL" - what is that? Where does that come from - certainly not from
the stdlib, that's got a better spelling correction.
Instead of
"string" + variable + "string"
on usually uses string interpolation to build complicated strings:
"some text %s some more text" % variable
> I wanted to know if I am setting the headers correctly, getting the
> response correctly
> are there any better ways of encoding the url Over all Does the code
> look ok...?
You seem to make the call correctly. Just not what the server expects.
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